南洋学会 South Seas Society (Singapore)
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南洋学会第 47 届理事会成立
南洋学会第 46 届理事会成立
南洋学会 80 周年国际学术研讨会
《南洋学报》最新一期(73卷)2019年9月出版。本期仍由原国大中文系主任陈荣照教授主编,金进博士为副主编。南洋学会会员可至百胜楼 #02-101 新华书局免费领取一本《南洋学报》73 卷。

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会员申请表格 | Membership Application Form

  1. 申请程序:
    1. 电邮申请:
      1. 请从本网站下载表格,填妥后电邮到 southseassociety@gmail.com
      2. 另寄上划线支票,申请费S$200,署名:
        South Seas Society (Singapore)
        Robinson Road Post Office
        P.O.Box 709
        Singapore 901409
      3. 会籍只有在收到支票后才会生效。
    2. 纸本申请:
      1. 请从本网站下载表格填妥后附上划线支票,申请费S$200,
        署名 "South Seas Society (Singapore)",一同寄至以上地址。
  2. 会员福利:
    1. 免费获得会籍生效后的《南洋学报》赠刊一份。
    2. 购买学会出版书刊,一律半价。
    3. 免除活动费用,或给予一定优惠。
  3. 会员义务:
    1. 支持学会的任何活动。
    2. 推广南洋研究。

  1. Application Procedure:
    1. Online
      1. Please download and fill up the membership application form and email to southseassociety@gmail.com
      2. Please prepare a crossed-cheque of S$200 made payable to "South Seas Society (Singapore)" for the registration fees. Indicate your full name and NRIC number on the back of the cheque.
      3. Mail the cheque to:
        South Seas Society (Singapore)
        Robinson Road Post Office
        P.O.Box 709
        Singapore 901409
      4. Membership will only take effect after the cheque is received and cleared.
    2. Hardcopy
      1. Please download, print and fill up the membership application form.
      2. Please prepare a crossed-cheque of S$200 made payable to "South Seas Society (Singapore)" for the registration fees. Indicate your full name and NRIC number on the back of the cheque.
      3. Mail both the completed application and cheque to the above address (1aiii).
  2. Members' Privileges:
    1. One free copy of Journal of the South Seas Society, after membership has taken effect.
    2. Half price for any purchase of publications by the Society.
    3. Free or discounted fees for all activities.
  3. Members' Obligations:
    1. Support all activities organised by the Society.
    2. Promote the studies in South Seas.
会员申请表格 | Membership Application Form