南洋学会第 46 届理事会成立
《南洋学报》最新一期(73卷)2019年9月出版。本期仍由原国大中文系主任陈荣照教授主编,金进博士为副主编。南洋学会会员可至百胜楼 #02-101 新华书局免费领取一本《南洋学报》73 卷。
会员申请表格 | Membership Application Form
- 申请程序:
- 电邮申请:
- 请从本网站下载表格,填妥后电邮到 southseassociety@gmail.com 。
- 另寄上划线支票,申请费S$200,署名:
South Seas Society (Singapore)
Robinson Road Post Office
P.O.Box 709
Singapore 901409
- 会籍只有在收到支票后才会生效。
- 纸本申请:
- 请从本网站下载表格填妥后附上划线支票,申请费S$200,
署名 "South Seas Society (Singapore)",一同寄至以上地址。
- 会员福利:
- 免费获得会籍生效后的《南洋学报》赠刊一份。
- 购买学会出版书刊,一律半价。
- 免除活动费用,或给予一定优惠。
- 会员义务:
- 支持学会的任何活动。
- 推广南洋研究。
- Application Procedure:
- Online:
- Please download and fill up the membership application form and email to southseassociety@gmail.com
- Please prepare a crossed-cheque of S$200 made payable to "South Seas Society (Singapore)" for the registration fees. Indicate your full name and NRIC number on the back of the cheque.
- Mail the cheque to:
South Seas Society (Singapore)
Robinson Road Post Office
P.O.Box 709
Singapore 901409
- Membership will only take effect after the cheque is received and cleared.
- Hardcopy:
- Please download, print and fill up the membership application form.
- Please prepare a crossed-cheque of S$200 made payable to "South Seas Society (Singapore)" for the registration fees. Indicate your full name and NRIC number on the back of the cheque.
- Mail both the completed application and cheque to the above address (1aiii).
- Members' Privileges:
- One free copy of Journal of the South Seas Society, after membership has taken effect.
- Half price for any purchase of publications by the Society.
- Free or discounted fees for all activities.
- Members' Obligations:
- Support all activities organised by the Society.
- Promote the studies in South Seas.
会员申请表格 | Membership Application Form